3ος ομιλος
2- 9-06 Moldova 0-1 Greece
Hungary 1-4 Norway
Malta 2-5 Bosnia - Herzegovina
6- 9-06 Norway 2-0 Moldova
Bosnia - Herzegovina 1-3 Hungary
Turkey 2-0 Malta [in Frankfurt/Main]
7-10-06 Moldova 2-2 Bosnia - Herzegovina
Hungary 0-1 Turkey
Greece 1-0 Norway
11-10-06 Bosnia - Herzegovina 0-4 Greece
Malta 2-1 Hungary
Turkey 5-0 Moldova [in Frankfurt/Main]
24- 3-07 Moldova 1-1 Malta
Greece 1-4 Turkey
Norway 1-2 Bosnia - Herzegovina
28- 3-07 Turkey 2-2 Norway [in Frankfurt/Main]
Malta 0-1 Greece
Hungary 2-0 Moldova
2- 6-07 Greece 2-0 Hungary
Norway 4-0 Malta
Bosnia - Herzegovina 3-2 Turkey
6- 6-07 Bosnia - Herzegovina 1-0 Malta
Norway 4-0 Hungary
Greece 2-1 Moldova
8- 9-07 Moldova 0-1 Norway
Hungary 1-0 Bosnia - Herzegovina
Malta 2-2 Turkey
12- 9-07 Norway 2-2 Greece
Turkey 3-0 Hungary
Bosnia - Herzegovina 0-1 Moldova
13-10-07 Moldova 1-1 Turkey
Hungary 2-0 Malta
Greece 3-2 Bosnia - Herzegovina
17-10-07 Bosnia - Herzegovina 0-2 Norway
Turkey 0-1 Greece
Malta 2-3 Moldova
17-11-07 Moldova 3-0 Hungary
Norway 1-2 Turkey
Greece 5-0 Malta
21-11-07 Malta 1-4 Norway
Turkey 1-0 Bosnia - Herzegovina
Hungary 1-2 Greece
4ος ομιλος
2- 9-06 Czech Republic 2-1 Wales
Germany 1-0 Ireland
Slovakia 6-1 Cyprus
6- 9-06 San Marino 0-13 Germany
Slovakia 0-3 Czech Republic
7-10-06 Czech Republic 7-0 San Marino
Wales 1-5 Slovakia
Cyprus 5-2 Ireland
11-10-06 Ireland 1-1 Czech Republic
Slovakia 1-4 Germany
Wales 3-1 Cyprus
15-11-06 Ireland 5-0 San Marino
Cyprus 1-1 Germany
7- 2-07 San Marino 1-2 Ireland
24- 3-07 Czech Republic 1-2 Germany
Ireland 1-0 Wales
Cyprus 1-3 Slovakia
28- 3-07 Wales 3-0 San Marino
Ireland 1-0 Slovakia
Czech Republic 1-0 Cyprus
2- 6-07 Germany 6-0 San Marino
Wales 0-0 Czech Republic
6- 6-07 Germany 2-1 Slovakia
22- 8-07 San Marino 0-1 Cyprus
8- 9-07 San Marino 0-3 Czech Republic
Wales 0-2 Germany
Slovakia 2-2 Ireland
12- 9-07 Czech Republic 1-0 Ireland
Slovakia 2-5 Wales
Cyprus 3-0 San Marino
13-10-07 Cyprus 3-1 Wales
Ireland 0-0 Germany
Slovakia 7-0 San Marino
17-10-07 Germany 0-3 Czech Republic
Ireland 1-1 Cyprus
San Marino 1-2 Wales
17-11-07 Czech Republic 3-1 Slovakia
Germany 4-0 Cyprus
Wales 2-2 Ireland
21-11-07 Cyprus 0-2 Czech Republic
Germany 0-0 Wales
San Marino 0-5 Slovakia
5ος ομιλος
16- 8-06 Estonia 0-1 FYROM
2- 9-06 Estonia 0-1 Israel
England 5-0 Andorra
6- 9-06 Russia 0-0 Croatia
FYROM 0-1 England
Israel 4-1 Andorra
7-10-06 England 0-0 FYROM
Croatia 7-0 Andorra
Russia 1-1 Israel
11-10-06 Croatia 2-0 England
Russia 2-0 Estonia
Andorra 0-3 FYROM
15-11-06 Israel 3-4 Croatia
FYROM 0-2 Russia
24- 3-07 Israel 0-0 England
Estonia 0-2 Russia
Croatia 2-1 FYROM
28- 3-07 Andorra 0-3 England
Israel 4-0 Estonia
2- 6-07 Estonia 0-1 Croatia
Russia 4-0 Andorra
FYROM 1-2 Israel
6- 6-07 Andorra 0-2 Israel
Croatia 0-0 Russia
Estonia 0-3 England
22- 8-07 Estonia 2-1 Andorra
8- 9-07 England 3-0 Israel
Russia 3-0 FYROM
Croatia 2-0 Estonia
12- 9-07 Andorra 0-6 Croatia
FYROM 1-1 Estonia
England 3-0 Russia
13-10-07 Croatia 1-0 Israel
England 3-0 Estonia
17-10-07 FYROM 3-0 Andorra
Russia 2-1 England
17-11-07 FYROM 2-0 Croatia
Israel 2-1 Russia
Andorra 0-2 Estonia
21-11-07 England 2-3 Croatia
Israel 1-0 FYROM
Andorra 0-1 Russia
6oς ομιλος
2- 9-06 Spain 4-0 Liechtenstein
Northern Ireland 0-3 Iceland
Latvia 0-1 Sweden
6- 9-06 Iceland 0-2 Denmark
Sweden 3-1 Liechtenstein
Northern Ireland 3-2 Spain
7-10-06 Sweden 2-0 Spain
Denmark 0-0 Northern Ireland
Latvia 4-0 Iceland
11-10-06 Iceland 1-2 Sweden
Liechtenstein 0-4 Denmark
Northern Ireland 1-0 Latvia
24- 3-07 Spain 2-1 Denmark
Liechtenstein 1-4 Northern Ireland
28- 3-07 Northern Ireland 2-1 Sweden
Liechtenstein 1-0 Latvia
Spain 1-0 Iceland
2- 6-07 Denmark awd Sweden [awarded 0-3 abandoned at 3-3
Latvia 0-2 Spain in 89' due to attack on referee]
Iceland 1-1 Liechtenstein
6- 6-07 Liechtenstein 0-2 Spain
Sweden 5-0 Iceland
Latvia 0-2 Denmark
22- 8-07 Northern Ireland 3-1 Liechtenstein
8- 9-07 Sweden 0-0 Denmark
Latvia 1-0 Northern Ireland
Iceland 1-1 Spain
12- 9-07 Iceland 2-1 Northern Ireland
Spain 2-0 Latvia
Denmark 4-0 Liechtenstein
13-10-07 Denmark 1-3 Spain
Liechtenstein 0-3 Sweden
Iceland 2-4 Latvia
17-10-07 Sweden 1-1 Northern Ireland
Liechtenstein 3-0 Iceland
Denmark 3-1 Latvia
17-11-07 Spain 3-0 Sweden
Northern Ireland 2-1 Denmark
Latvia 4-1 Liechtenstein
21-11-07 Spain 1-0 Northern Ireland
Denmark 3-0 Iceland
Sweden 2-1 Latvia
7ος ομιλος
2- 9-06 Romania 2-2 Bulgaria
Belarus 2-2 Albania
Luxembourg 0-1 Netherlands
6- 9-06 Netherlands 3-0 Belarus
Albania 0-2 Romania
Bulgaria 3-0 Slovenia
7-10-06 Romania 3-1 Belarus
Bulgaria 1-1 Netherlands
Slovenia 2-0 Luxembourg
11-10-06 Belarus 4-2 Slovenia
Luxembourg 0-1 Bulgaria
Netherlands 2-1 Albania
24- 3-07 Netherlands 0-0 Romania
Luxembourg 1-2 Belarus
Albania 0-0 Slovenia
28- 3-07 Romania 3-0 Luxembourg
Slovenia 0-1 Netherlands
Bulgaria 0-0 Albania
2- 6-07 Albania 2-0 Luxembourg
Belarus 0-2 Bulgaria
Slovenia 1-2 Romania
6- 6-07 Luxembourg 0-3 Albania
Bulgaria 2-1 Belarus
Romania 2-0 Slovenia
8- 9-07 Belarus 1-3 Romania
Netherlands 2-0 Bulgaria
Luxembourg 0-3 Slovenia
12- 9-07 Slovenia 1-0 Belarus
Bulgaria 3-0 Luxembourg
Albania 0-1 Netherlands
13-10-07 Romania 1-0 Netherlands
Belarus 0-1 Luxembourg
Slovenia 0-0 Albania
17-10-07 Luxembourg 0-2 Romania
Netherlands 2-0 Slovenia
Albania 1-1 Bulgaria
17-11-07 Bulgaria 1-0 Romania
Albania 2-4 Belarus
Netherlands 1-0 Luxembourg
21-11-07 Belarus 2-1 Netherlands
Romania 6-1 Albania
Slovenia 0-2 Bulgaria
Final Tournament ( in Austria and Switzerland )
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